Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Jacob got his first stitches yesterday. He took a big fall off his bike. He and Elijah were racing, Jacob looked back at Elijah and lost control. I saw the whole thing happen. It was quite terrible. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life. When I got to him all I saw was blood pouring from his chin and his mouth. We quickly loaded into the car and rushed to the ER. Jacob was very brave, and only kinda cried once when they put the numbing medicine on it. After some xrays to make sure there was no other damage he was stitched up and we were back home.
He's doing well today, just a little sore. He's having a hard time eating since his teeth got knocked around a little and are sore. In a few days I'm sure he'll be back to normal. We go next Wednesday to get his stitches out and he will then head over to the dentist for us to check on his teeth.
After seeing that fall I'm tempted to invest in a lifetime supply of bubble wrap. Especially for this kid. I'm pretty sure with his track record he'll have many more! Haha!

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